Turbo poker strategy
Turbo poker strategy

turbo poker strategy

If you have a comfortable second place stack and you are in the small blind with 4 players remaining and the big stack is in the big blind, you should fold KQ without a thought. Your stack size will frequently dictate your actions in hyper turbos. In other words, you cannot pay blinds until your stack is too small for a double up to matter. You cannot allow yourself to “go like broomcorn’s uncle” as Doyle says in Supersystem. For instance: If you have 5 or fewer big blinds, and no one has opened the pot in front of you, it is correct to move all-in from the button or small blind with any two cards. Many times it is correct to move all-in no matter what two cards are in your hand. In the middle stages of the SNG, more often than not the cards in your hand matter less than your position and stack size. Hyper turbo and Super turbo SNGs require significant aggression from any player looking to be competitive.

turbo poker strategy

The same goes for opening the pot from the small blind.

turbo poker strategy

If the pot is unopened ahead of you then you can move all-in from the button with any pair, any ace, and a strong King. Typically from early and middle position you should be looking for 77+ AJ+ to move all-in with. In the early stages of the SNG you will often see players shoving their whole stack in with very marginal suited hands or a naked Ace.Īt the beginning of the SNG you should be looking for relatively strong cards from early and middle position and opening your range up a little closer to the button. One of the best things about hyper turbo SNGs is that many players in these games are just gambling. The short and skinny of it is, play relatively tight in the very early stages of the tournament, know when to kick it into high gear, be aware of your stack size, use position to your advantage, shove or fold. A competitive edge can be gained by players who know how to take advantage of the tournament’s structure and are able to pounce on mistakes in their opponent’s game. These hyper turbo SNGs are not without skill. The starting stack size is a mere 300 chips with a starting big blind of 30! This gives the player very little wiggle room and quickly forces gamblers to make decisions for all of their chips.Īlso the blinds increase every 3 minutes as opposed to every 5 minutes in typical turbo SNGs. Hyper Turbo SNGs are some of the fastest and most aggressive SNGs offered at online poker rooms.

Turbo poker strategy