Download xcom 2 steam for free
Download xcom 2 steam for free

However, if you are dissatisfied with the performance of the game on your computer, there are a couple of things you can do that are likely to improve performance: XCOM 2 is playable with the minimum specifications listed below, but it will play more smoothly on faster computers with more RAM. The most important factors in determining how smoothly XCOM 2 plays are your CPU speed, the amount of built-in RAM, the type of graphics card in your computer and the in-game settings you select. If this is your first time playing, we recommend that you leave the Tutorial checkbox enabled, so that the game will provide instructions as you play.Īfter the opening video, you’ll find your squad planning to use the distraction of the twentieth anniversary of Unification Day to recover a very important package… The Select Difficulty screen will appear. The game will launch.Īfter the loading screens, the Main Menu will appear. The XCOM 2 pre-game Options window will appear. Highlight XCOM 2 in the list of games on the left-hand side of the window, then select Play.

download xcom 2 steam for free

Enter your account name and password, then select Login.

download xcom 2 steam for free

If you are not already signed in, the Steam Login dialog will appear. By default this is located in the Applications folder on your computer’s hard drive. To start playing the game, read the Getting Started section.ĭouble-click on the Steam application icon.

  • Macintosh Specific Extras - Pre-game Options WindowĪs part of the Steam download process, the game has already been installed on your computer.

  • Download xcom 2 steam for free